With Enough Cajoling

With Enough Cajoling

Your comment about print versus screen image was interesting. I asked the archivist at MS what she valued more, the original film or the finished print? Without hesitation, she said film. But she is an archivist. If you as a gallerist, the would say print, something touched by the artist and produced in his vision. I see both points of…
Rush Hour Chicken Run

Rush Hour Chicken Run

I came up with an idea that made me think of you. I had told you about running my printer to keep the jets from gumming up and I thought, rather than it being a maintenance exercise, what not do “A Print of the Week” series. And be somewhat serious about it. I have already made a few such prints…
If You Can’t Make it Good, Make it Big

If You Can’t Make it Good, Make it Big

Or make it red, or reverse it out or some combination of all 4. Ever hear those rules for good design? Or good art in general? I actually have a poster from a UW design professor that incorporates all 4 of these properties. I even once heard that National Geographic Magazine encouraged their photogs to have red in their pictures.…
Nice Moments

Nice Moments

Hi Mel Just to let you know that the birthday celebrations for Mas were a huge success. Merrill Gardens had decorated the dining room in hummingbirds and draped the print on the wall. He thought the birds were the celebration, until they revealed the print. Mas was stunned and overwhelmed, and though the dining room was filled with residents, he couldn't…
Keeps Me Focused

Keeps Me Focused

I have been in a state of semi-retirement for years. First the recession pulled the rug out from under me. That was a scary period, not knowing if I was going to survive. There were not safety nets back then for self-employed people and I had just signed a new lease for my rental studio. My biggest expense. After the…
I Might Have Caved

I Might Have Caved

Panoramic Works Well winter rolls on here with foggy mornings and damp days. But the daffodils are popping up and spring unofficially arrives the first of February, which is also the anniversary of my arrival in Seattle. 38 years. Is it interesting to look back and especially think of those early days. The first 5 years were really quite a…
Our House Christmas 2021

Our House Christmas 2021

Hey Man, Did you manage to get thru the holidaze without going crazy? Seems it went by rather quickly. I never seemed to totally get into the spirit of things though we had our tree and decorations up and had a nice Christmas dinner with a friend. It just seemed to have had a bit  less luster this year. Maybe…