An Interesting Journey

An Interesting Journey

My work has always evolved as my interests changed. The only constant is the camera. And even that changes. Thou not fundamentally. I began to move toward digital around 2000 when I had my first Iris ink jet prints made. They were largely copies of my darkroom prints, just bigger. But color began to slip in as well. I began…
Often Like a Snapshot

Often Like a Snapshot

8 September 2023 Artist’s Statement for The Seattle Art Museum Gallery My work is about the act of discovery. As a photographer, I usually respond spontaneously and intuitively to the world before me. It may be in response to light, weather conditions or some curious arrangement of the man-made landscape. Much of what I do is very much about capturing…
Great Exposure

Great Exposure

It is hard to be the photographer in a show or auction of mixed art forms. You just get treated differently. A lot of folks don’t think of photographs as art and would just as soon buy a crappy painting over a stunning photograph. I was in an auction once where they auctioned off all kind of stuff, from art…


 I have never made a big profit from my print sales, but I tell folks I sell enough to pay for the habit. Which largely means I break even. And have a basement full of left over prints. But I suppose sales mean more than the profit I might make. It is validation, approval. To think that someone buys something…
Content with the Little Moments

Content with the Little Moments

I have practiced being in the moment for years now. I learned a long time ago that I was often seeing the world through my camera. At a concert, event or just looking for that perfect image in a foreign place. I came to the realization that I had to later look at my photos to see if I had…
Couldn’t Wait to Leave

Couldn’t Wait to Leave

Just saying hey. Has the dust settled in the aftermath of your show? Any new insights? Are you busy with holiday plans? No big plans here, just hanging out at home. I might fire up the grill for a change. We used to grill out all the time. With charcoal no less. We have a gas grill we never use.…
The Sound of the Word Artist

The Sound of the Word Artist

You’re not being presumptuous at all. I think of myself as an artist. But as you probably know there are those who consider you to be an artist and me a photographer. You create your works by hand and I use a technical device. Even when enlightened folks think photography is an art form, it none the less remains a…
Pretty, in a Deadly Kind of Way

Pretty, in a Deadly Kind of Way

Did any of that nasty smoke get out your way? NYC looked post-apocalyptic. But I have seen that before here. Happened about 3 summers in a row, one of them as nasty as what just happened there. I recall not only smelling the fires, but ash falling like snow. But as deadly as it was, it sure made for interesting…