Or Have They Just Left?

Or Have They Just Left?

I want to write a blog post about this image. I made it recently as a test of my new camera. I keep staring at it. It is so quiet and peaceful. I know it is just an empty room, but I love the light and the solitude. I love the lineup of chairs. As if to suggest visitors are…
A Little White Lie

A Little White Lie

Right out of the box, unretouched and touched up. So no, my forehead isn’t that smooth. I have this software that gives one smooth, porcelain like complexion. Gave myself some color, warmed the background and voila… a more presentable me. A friend of mine calls it the spa treatment. Thing about digital is that it is really quite harsh as…
In the Moment

In the Moment

I had great time with both my cousin visiting and my friend from Oregon. Lot of nice talks and walks. And photo making too. My friend from Oregon posed an interesting question while we were viewing my archives. I was showing her my piles of old film from my stock photo days. I have labored over what to do with…


Yes, I did see Jaws 86 times. The summer of 1975 I had a co-op job in Baltimore. I shared an apartment with another student from UC working at the same firm. But we never hung out and I got kind of bored, so I got a job at nearby theatre as an usher. I was paid 2 bucks an…
The Weirdest Thing

The Weirdest Thing

Well, I did the weirdest thing. Last week one of my old assistants was here to use my studio for a portrait session. We were talking about gear and such and I said I was done buying cameras and the D750 as my last one. She uses a D810. I was her stand in model to set up lights and…
Warm and Fuzzy Feel

Warm and Fuzzy Feel

I have those shipping cases. That’s how I transported my portfolio to you all those years ago. They are covered with stickers from various airports. Crazy how that all worked and how expensive it was to send stuff all around the country. But that is how it worked. My portfolios only included a few printed samples and tear sheets. Often…
Just So Much Stuff

Just So Much Stuff

An interesting image popped up on my phone, in that cute little way that the iPhone wants you to remember your memories. It was a night photo of the Big W at the University entrance taken in the fall of 2020. Height of the pandemic, not a soul in sight. I thought it was a pretty cool image and wondered…
A Nice Escape from the World

A Nice Escape from the World

I went to a nursery this morning and got more plants for the deck and garden. I got Zinnias as they are one of Carter’s favorites. I got hostas and acanthus and Japanese forest grasses, as they are shade plants and perennials. I am trying to nurse the garden in the back of the yard to be low maintenance and…
In the Wink of an Eye

In the Wink of an Eye

I assume you are home from your travels. I spoke with Anne this past week and I think she said she had talked to you and you gave her my cell number. Thank you for that. We dumped our land line ages ago and I guess she still had that as our number. I called her the previous week and…