Tinted Windows

Hey John,

I feel like communicating with someone as silence hangs over our house. Maybe just expressing a few thoughts with a like minded friend. I went for a walk this morning and as I crossed the boulevard a bearded guy in a black truck passed with a big ole trump flag on his back bumper. I could have sworn he glared at me. But with tinted windows, the subtlety was lost. I could only think he was out joy riding, gloating… he obviously doesn’t live in my neighborhood. I am sure he couldn’t afford to. I guess I am fortunate to not have to deal with folks like him. I live in a very blue city that makes the whole state very blue as well. Everything here went blue. Too bad it wasn’t enough to affect the top of the ballot.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. With full control of government will his promises come true? I see his wealth increased by a billion dollars today. The stock market is on fire. But is the vast majority of his supporters any wealthier? I doubt it. I should be thrilled. By the end of the day I will be wealthier too. Big whoop… I wonder about the guy in the black truck. I wonder too about the mass deportation plan, and do I need start looking for a new housekeeper and lawn guy? I wonder if the guy in the black truck would like to clean my toilets? 

I suppose time will tell how this all shakes out.

It is really a pretty autumn day here. I had a nice quiet walk. Probably will take another this afternoon. For now, I sit in my studio, thinking I need to make art, make something that pleases me. Just something…

I hope you are well and safe.

