Some things Change Slowly

Hi Mel,
The last year or so there’s been a tremendous turnover at the PV.  Ruth and Brenda have died, Della and Ada have gone to nursing homes, we moved Ted into the Wilsonian and Beverly finally sold.  I think you already knew Cyra left a year ago.  Pat Ryan has had a court-appointed guardian for about a year, but her apartment in finally on the market, as isAda’s and Amanda William’s, who bought Jim and Lucille’s place a couple of years ago
The new Board seems more interested in preserving the building, so we have a more active long-range planning committee, earthquake insurance, professional management, and a meaningful reserve fund.  When you were still here, Martin, Sara, and I were pariahs for even mentioning reserve funds.  Before this year’s annual meeting Paul Elliott and Suzanne James distributed a rant saying we shouldn’t change anything, but just “keep on doing everything for the building ourselves like we’ve always done.”  The new members simply ignored them.
You probably know Nellie died after about six months in a retirement home.  Don’s still here, though almost totally blind and emaciated.  All in all, things look pretty good for the future when light rail comes to the neighborhood.

Best wishes


Hi Charlie,
Well change happens whether we like it or not. In the case of Park Vista, from my point of view, change has come slowly. I moved into PV almost 20 years ago and most of the folks you speak of where there then and quite frankly, seemed old to me at the time. The fact that they are just now passing on speaks to their healthy DNA or whatever accounts for longevity in life. I remember the debate over reserve funds and how difficult it was to raise home owners dues. I seem to recall that when I left we were in our 3rd or 4th year of deficient spending. It is good to hear that has changed. As far as preserving the building, I think that is a good thing, as long as the infrastructure is brought up to modern standards. That is what we did with our house here. Maintained the charm of a 1910 Craftsman, but with new plumbing, electrical and  contemporary kitchen and baths. We have repainted a few times too. I know when I left PV, the big debate was over cable. I think the light rail will be a big boom for the entire neighborhood, and no doubt property values will increase. We have already had agents knocking on our door, asking if we are thinking of selling. I often think about my time there at Park Vista, and what a pleasant time it was in my life, despite the few curmudgeons that lived there. I am glad I still live down the street and can walk by there on occasion and see the old place and the lovely garden. It really is special place. Let me know again sometime when events come up and I can attend. I am just a stones throw away.
Be well,