Photos Up


I have posted photos for your downloading and viewing pleasure. You will see two zip folders. The SmallJPG folder contains everything I shot, around 350 images. The are largely unprocessed, so look at them for content and composition and such and not worry about the color or exposure. I fix that in processing. The LargeJPG folder contain high rez finished images that I played with. Those will give you an idea of how I finish my images. I like big color and quirky compositions and playing with making “vintage” looking images. My fave fave is #141. You may like some or all of my choices, but feel free to like none of them. The creative path is a winding road. For the record, I am very pleased with the session and think you look marvelous and I am really glad you pushed for a downtown location. While your smile would radiate anywhere, the background in these shots add a layer of information that really speaks to urban Seattle. Good choice. Look them over and tell me what you think, and tell me which ones you want processed.

When you double click on the zip folders they will take a little time to download to your computer as the folders are big.



Hi Mel,

I’m really happy with the outcome of the session. I had a lot of fun doing it, and there are so great photos!

I really liked how you brought out the colors in the photos; I had been worried the cloudiness would’ve made them too dull. I’m not so sure about the vignetting on a couple of the photos, but I love how everything comes together in 087 at the cider booth. I like how 039 looks too with the vintage look, though I’d like a copy of it with and without the vignetting.

A few of my absolute favorites are 055/057/076 (love the colors in the flower photos), as well as 002, 023, 110, 141, 159, 203, 205, 250, and 287.

I went through all of them though, and there are several more that I also really like. I’ve attached a zipped folder with all of my favorites (a lot of which you’ve already processed). I’m sure my parents will look through them too and find others they love that aren’t on my list.

How many are you expecting to process? There are so many to choose from!

Thank you so much for spending the day with us yesterday, and for being so flexible and adventurous! Some of the best photos were definitely the ones that happened on the fly. I love the way you composed and processed them – the bright colors and urban feel are exactly what I was looking for in my senior photos.
