My Pretty Garden


I am sorry to hear about your Parkinson’s disease. That must be a blow. How are you dealing with it? I wish I could help in some way. I know you have a great wealth of friends for support, so that must be reassuring in some way. I just wish I give you a few hugs right now. Aging does suck, but so far I have been lucky enough to get to my age with only minor aches and pains. And I am so glad that at almost 82, Carter is in great health. I went to a memorial service on Sunday for a friend you had died from a heart attack the weekend of June 7- 8th. He lived alone in a tiny apartment and taught photography at UW in the Architecture Dept. The service was at the U and was well attended, and the room was full of love. I hadn’t seen him a few years, though he worked just blocks away. He did amazing work that most people knew nothing about. His lecture position at the U paid him something like $35k a year. For some reason his death has haunted me. Like will that be me? Is that me? Does my life’s work measure up in any way? Of course these are are kind of dumb questions. Our lives are of our own making, we just do the best we can and hope that, even in a small way our lives matter.

I hope your garden is blossoming right now. Gardens are such nice respites. I sit in mine often, usually in the early part of the day or early evening. Surrounded by the lush vegetation, the fountain gurgling, the quiet is only broken by the sound of the birds and Barney barking at passerby. On occasion I hear an ice cream truck, but only on hot days, so not so often. I have never seen the truck, but hear the tune, Bicycle Built for Two and know it is some where near by. One of these days I will chase it down and get a fudge bar…


I am wishing you good things Trey, only good things…

