Tomorrow, February 1st marks the 30 anniversary of my arrival in Seattle. It has always been an important anniversary for me. Though thinking back that far is kind of scary and makes me wonder why I did it and for that matter how did I get here? I walked out to get the morning papers and paused in the mist to wonder. I thought if 30 years ago some one had driven me by this place and said you would be living here, I would have been amazed I am sure. The first years were hard and I often wanted to quit. But I didn’t and I am glad for that, but recession has made it go away. And in many ways I feel like I am back to where I started, trying to get people to look at my work. Only I don’t have the time or energy I did back then. I don’t think I am done with it all, but I do wonder what to do with myself? Probably what I always do. Make more pictures…