Just another Room with a View


On a recent pleasant summer day in the San Juan Islands, I found myself making real estate images of a very lovely property with an amazing view. Besides the usual architecture photos of rooms, I roamed around the grounds through beautiful gardens and wooded areas. I started to think about the role of the photographic image in the process of selling a piece of property and what it’s true function was. Yes, it is show one what a place looks like and to make the property as appealing as possible, but I don’t believe that even the most amazing image will sell a multi million dollar piece of land. The role of a good image in this instance to make one want to be there, to be in that place and see that scene. In this case, sit in those chairs and admire the view. And perhaps in the process, fall in love with the place and want to stay. Although reality often doesn’t match the magic of the single still image or that particular moment in time.