Talk about weird weather. The cold blast came in last night as predicted. Covering much of the country as far as I can tell. I didn’t pay much attention to the forecasts as it was so beautifully sunny yesterday. A bit nippy, but not uncomfortable. I wake up this morning and see the roof tops covered with white stuff and go what the hell?? And just when my yards guys are showing up to transform my muddy back yard into a flagstone patio oasis….
It’s only a dusting, but still. I guess we are still dreaming of spring time here.
I am envious of your dedication to your photography right now. That was me about 20 and 30 years ago. Constantly chasing light, doing film tests and hours in the darkroom. I should take a cue from you and get more serious about photo life in the digital age. I don’t like to think I am burned out on it all, I still love making images. But maybe my priorities are different now. I guess in some ways I am in some kind of race to preserve what I have already done, least it become fodder for some landfill. And the ease of digital is often a buzz kill. I don’t have to work very hard to make a good image in digital. Analog truly required skill. With digital, if I screw up an exposure, I can fix it in post.