They Just Present Themselves

They Just Present Themselves

I enjoy making my little iPhone pics. They are not grand themes or anything. They are just little moments in my travels, mostly from my walks. What’s interesting is that I can look at them and know almost exactly when and where I took them. I can almost remember the moment too. Because they are all immediate responses to something…
Weird But True

Weird But True

Handheld photography is very liberating. Being unencumbered with gear is great feeling. Responding to a moment is satisfying too. I had to use a tripod in much of my assignment work over the years and I always found it to be tedious and labor intensive. I am not steady of hand either, so I need to pick a fast shutter…
Tinted Windows

Tinted Windows

Hey John, I feel like communicating with someone as silence hangs over our house. Maybe just expressing a few thoughts with a like minded friend. I went for a walk this morning and as I crossed the boulevard a bearded guy in a black truck passed with a big ole trump flag on his back bumper. I could have sworn…
Thank You for the Nudge

Thank You for the Nudge

Hey Martin, I was rummaging around in my archives, trying to downsize or at very least, make sense of the vast amount of photo stuff in storage there. I stumbled across this article about you from the Seattle Times, circa 2002. I assume you have this in your archives but can send you a copy if you don’t. There are…
The Weirdest Thing

The Weirdest Thing

Well, I did the weirdest thing. Last week one of my old assistants was here to use my studio for a portrait session. We were talking about gear and such and I said I was done buying cameras and the D750 as my last one. She uses a D810. I was her stand in model to set up lights and…
A Nice Escape from the World

A Nice Escape from the World

I went to a nursery this morning and got more plants for the deck and garden. I got Zinnias as they are one of Carter’s favorites. I got hostas and acanthus and Japanese forest grasses, as they are shade plants and perennials. I am trying to nurse the garden in the back of the yard to be low maintenance and…
Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

I am impressed with your art making. While I have a million ideas in my head and materials to create multiple works, I have only done one. My cradle boards are 2” deep and probably not as cheap as yours, but I still find them affordable. I think the biggest hurdle I am facing is fear of failure and creating…
How do I Want to Spend my Time?

How do I Want to Spend my Time?

Wow, you retired young. 911 actually gave my business a boost. Art buyers saw smaller budgets for photo services and turned to stock photography as a cheaper alternative to commissioned work. That’s where I was positioned at the time. What killed my industry, or at least changed it, was the rise of digital. Suddenly everyone with a camera and a…