Then You Remember Why it Came to an End

Then You Remember Why it Came to an End

Just saying hello,   Seems like forever since we chatted. Everything ok in you world? Lavelle asked me about processing some photos and said they were working with a different designer. That you had things to take care of. Is everything ok? I hope so. We last chatted around the time of your sister’s death and I hope the sadness…
Space Cruise

Space Cruise

Richard,I guess news travels fast. It would be great to see you if you can make it. I plan to wear my Widelux around my neck as a bit of a homage to John. I can’t recall when I last saw John, but it was after I had closed my darkroom in 2006 and before I handed off my 2nd…
Laughed until Tears came out of my Eyes

Laughed until Tears came out of my Eyes

You see, here in lies the problem. You show me two beautiful images, professional in every sense of the word. They are well seen, well crafted, and well, just beautiful. But you are a professional architect, I am professional photographer. What's wrong with this picture? I am doomed here... I don't suppose there are apps out there that allow me…
Perhaps I am insane

Perhaps I am insane

Or I just have too much time on my hands. It started with SAM and Jody’s request for new work.  I gave her 3 prints of Japanese Koi. One I had a print, 2 copies of it in fact. But when I went to look for them, they were hiding and not together either. Being a big prints, I have…