Warm and Fuzzy

Warm and Fuzzy

I think yes, that when I arrived in Seattle in 1984 I had already settled into a look as it were, a way of working. I loved black and white, shot a lot of infrared and in general was interested in the pictorial tradition or warm and fuzzy as I call it. And of course I was interested in the…
And Yet I Ruminate

And Yet I Ruminate

I guess the gilding the lily thing kind gets me and plays into my psyche a bit. The feeling of being criticized for doing something well. And wondering why? It also touches on a lot of old issues about whether I was a fine artist or a commercial artist? I am both, but am I good at both or merely…
Barely Worn Shoes

Barely Worn Shoes

That’s interesting about her. I always knew she was quirky and carved her own path in life. But I always admired her for that. That she was able to do what she wanted to do in life and live life on her terms, even if it meant living modestly and as you say, off the grid. I hope whoever is…


Entering the cold dark days of winter. I feel tired a lot. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Long walks help. But there's a lot of waiting. Waiting. And more waiting. When asked how I am doing, it really hard to say exactly and the only word that comes to mind is weary.
What am I looking at?

What am I looking at?

Portrait Pro software is pretty cool, especially when you do as many headshots and portraits as I do. It is a very simple way to give skin tones the spa treatment. I think it works better too, with women than men for some reason. Maybe because smoothing out men’s skin is not so fashionably desired as smoothing out a women’s…
Attempted Mustache

Attempted Mustache

Hey Sarah, Just thought of you. I have been slowly learning my new version of Photoshop, the old version dated to 2010. And what changes there are. I went looking for old photos to try some things out on and found this sweet image of Rhys from 7 years ago. My, my what a cutie. So sweet and innocent looking.…