Yes turning 70 brought on a lot of thought for me too. It truly felt like the time to quit working, unless you’re running for president or some other political office. But it brought on more reflection than turning 50 or 60. And yes, a big look back at the journey I have been on. And while I don’t have kids or grand kids, I like to think I have had a pretty amazing career. And I am glad too, we are still good friends. You are only one I keep in touch with from OU days. Nancy and I occasionally send birthday notes, but long gone are Joe and Richard. Do you ever wonder what it might be like to have a chat with your younger self? What you might hint at what the future will hold? I have written a couple of blog post about that subject. And I am convinced my younger self would be blow away by where I have landed at age 70. I can’t really say I have any regrets other than I wish I had taken those box seats tickets at Roland Garros my brother offered me to the French Open in 1999. I was too busy working… But nothing else really. My successes grew from the ashes of my failures. And from failed dreams and endeavors came better opportunities. I recall in 1994 how disappointed I was when I failed to get that teaching position at the University of Washington, and now I breathe a heavy sigh of relief that I didn’t. Like you, on the whole I am happy.
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