Happy New Year

Happy New Year

It is through my photographs that I am acutely aware of the passage of time. The photographic image fixes a place or moment and time stops. Until the next image alters that truth. Last summer I made an image such as this, and called it the perfect moment. And it was, then. But it was a fleeting moment, ephemeral and…
Photos Up

Photos Up

Laura, I have posted photos for your downloading and viewing pleasure. You will see two zip folders. The SmallJPG folder contains everything I shot, around 350 images. The are largely unprocessed, so look at them for content and composition and such and not worry about the color or exposure. I fix that in processing. The LargeJPG folder contain high rez…
My Little Oasis

My Little Oasis

Jack, About Rock Walk first. This is perfect. AS it turns out I have a 48” print in inventory. And fortunately it wasn’t stored in my basement, but rather framed and stored on the wall of a client. I can send you the print and recycle the frame to another client, looking for a print of mine that size. So…
Apres le Deluge Partie Deux

Apres le Deluge Partie Deux

Connie, You must be busy, since you haven’t stopped by to gawk at the mess. The basement is more or less dried out and empty with the final move out coming on September the 3rd. Then the damage control guys move in and do the flood cut and sanitizing thing. Then hopefully I can get Petre on board to build…