My Last Portrait of John

My Last Portrait of John

The last portrait I made of John was at his gallery on the 27th of December 2015. I forget why I was there or what possessed me to take this photo of him, but it wasn't out of character to make pictures on the fly. Because I can I guess. I was to see him in a few days for…
Items of Value

Items of Value

Good morning, Mel Curtis.  Today I am spending a second day appraising recent gifts to the Obamas.  My data sheet #7709 pertains to a photo you took apparently on 30 April 1996 and titled "Dinner at the White House".  I remember liking the haziness of it -- almost French impressionistic.  Would you please inform me a probable retail value of…
4 October 2012   Parting Thoughts on Barcelona

4 October 2012 Parting Thoughts on Barcelona

Barcelona is simply an amazing city, a combination of very old and very new and nicely co existing. It is the most accessible city in Europe I have ever visited. The needs of the elderly and disabled are looked after with barrier free architecture. Bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists actually get along and are civil to one another. The streets are…
For What it is Worth

For What it is Worth

    I am sorta floundering around right now.  Not particularly sure what I want or should be planning for.  Thankfully I still have a few interesting clients, but I have always had trouble with doing personal projects.  I need to have them in a greater context. Not just necessarily for money, but at least for more than my singular…