Air Quotes

Air Quotes

Sounds like a goofy event, but then such things always are. The closest thing I  have ever done to a gig like that was a recognition conference for WaMu back in 06 I think. It was awful and the only job I ever got fired from. But then I wanted to be fired. Oddly enough, I got canned for being…
Park Vista Co op

Park Vista Co op

I lived at Park Vista from 1994 to 2001. My first go around with home ownership. It was a very nice place to live, with mostly nice neighbors. I had a great view of the court yard and park. It was almost a "I could live here forever" place. And for many of of the residents, it was. I did…
Still Haunts Me

Still Haunts Me

Thank you for the nice little note. Made me feel good. And I appreciate it. I was a little concerned when I was putting all those prints together to send out that I might look  like I was dumping stuff on you all. Just cleaning out my drawers. I have so much, I just wanted to share. And I have…