Instant Grafitication

Instant Grafitication

My whole career has been bouncing between the worlds of commerce, fine art and academia, with the commercial work paying most of  the bills, with teaching keeping me engaged, and my fine art feeding my soul. Always had galleries, exhibitions and enough sales to pay for my habit. But my commercial work specialized in black and white, so I was…
The Color of Morning 20 August 2016

The Color of Morning 20 August 2016

Yesterday morning I had a recollection of arriving in Rome. It was Friday and for five years I always arrived on Friday morning, sometime in late August. But the last time was five years ago. And yet, this time of year, I always recall arriving in Rome. Jet lagged, tired, and often culture shocked. But I always loved it, especially…
No Longer a Member

No Longer a Member

Does it mean I no longer exist? Featured Member, Mel Curtis Posted on August 8, 2013 Featured Photographer, Mel Curtis Name and business name: Mel Curtis / Mel Curtis Photographs. Hometown: Columbus, Ohio. Current residence: Seattle, Washington. url/phone: / 206.323.1230. Number of years as a photographer: 33 years as a professional. Close to 40 since I first picked up a camera. Family, spouse, significant other, kids, pets,…
Return to Farmville

Return to Farmville

Based on request from one of my stock agencies based in London, I went looking through the archives. They wanted more imagery that says, America. I don't really go in search of that type of imagery, but not being particularly busy and looking for distractions of any kind, I went nosing around and ended up back in Farmville, Virginia. A…
My Last Portrait of John

My Last Portrait of John

The last portrait I made of John was at his gallery on the 27th of December 2015. I forget why I was there or what possessed me to take this photo of him, but it wasn't out of character to make pictures on the fly. Because I can I guess. I was to see him in a few days for…
Items of Value

Items of Value

Good morning, Mel Curtis.  Today I am spending a second day appraising recent gifts to the Obamas.  My data sheet #7709 pertains to a photo you took apparently on 30 April 1996 and titled "Dinner at the White House".  I remember liking the haziness of it -- almost French impressionistic.  Would you please inform me a probable retail value of…