Pleasant Abstraction

Pleasant Abstraction

There seems to be a fine line between a pleasant abstraction and just an out of focus picture. It is definitely something you have to play with and shoot a lot. But the process is definitely fun. Like my Instagram stuff. Just me playing around, mostly out of curiosity. Wondering what something might look like. But the instagram stuff is…
A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time

The passage of time is a funny thing. When you are a child, it seems like it takes forever for Christmas to arrive. And yet as an adult, five years fly by in the blink of an eye. One thing for sure, we never have enough of it. Never enough hours in a day, never enough time to do all…
Hard at Work

Hard at Work

I ponder the concept of retirement. When I was younger I thought it would never happen. Or at least in the conventional way. I assumed at one point my assignment work would simply go away. Then all that would be left is my work, my projects. But often my projects have grown out of my assignments. That client work takes…