Just so Much Data

Just so Much Data

I am mailing out your prints today. Snail mail. Look for them. When you get them you will find 7 prints and a CD. Without looking at them closely or reading the notes on the back of each print, lay them all out in good light. Good light is a relative term. I laid them out on the floor of…
Emotional Bookmarks

Emotional Bookmarks

One of the things left behind when my mom passed were a series of journals that she kept sporadically. Not even sure how many there were but noticeable were huge gaps within each notebook. One was about how the plan was to send me to Columbus Academy after Jr. High. I vaguely remember a very formal sit down where I was asked about my thoughts. I was adamant that I wanted to remain at Grandview. Given my age, I’m sure my thought process was flawed. And it would have been as a day student so it wasnt like I would have gone away to board somewhere. But I couldn’t have imagined, at the time, leaving my buds for any reason. 

The Perfect Drink

The Perfect Drink

That’s a very cool story. Other than Carter’s Rome martini, I don’t really have any perfect drink memories/stories. I have a few funny ones like drinking vodka and schnapps with Russians, who frankly, would have drunk turpentine had it been placed in front of them. The drinks spark the memory of the moment. Beer with a Czech artist in Kadan.…