My Great Escape

My Great Escape

The look of those images is the result of using infrared film. That was my look back then. A photographer friend referred to me as the Infrared King. It gives a very distinctive look. My website is full of infrared images. Love that stuff…hated that stuff. It was always unpredictable. And not for someone who wanted precise results. I loved…
Hear Yourself Think

Hear Yourself Think

On a less existential note… we dined out last Friday for the first time. It was kind of nice. At 50% capacity, you could actually hear yourself think and carry on a conversation. Carter had his usual martini, but for health reasons, they couldn’t do a twist. Only a lemon wedge, sliced with gloved hands, handled only with tongs. I…
My Dark Room Days Were Numbered

My Dark Room Days Were Numbered

Just before high end digital cameras came into being, most photographers got scanners to facilitate digital deliver to clients. For a while there service bureaus, remember those? Designers would take film there to be scanned as well as get other digital output stuff. The going rate for a 50meg scan was $50. Photographers said hey, we should be doing that…
More Poetic

More Poetic

Connie, I recently received an email from a gentleman in France about a CD that had my photo on the cover. A photo of your hand with a rosary. He didn’t say much, just that he had found me. It prompted me to find the original print, since Getty no longer has it in their library. I couldn’t find a…